Join us as we begin our Fall Discussion Series every other Thursday
Kibbitznest Discussion Series is in collaboration with The University of Chicago Graham School to host presentations and discussions of original research.
Stephen Walker is a PhD candidate at University of Chicago Divinity School studying philosophy and the history of philosophy across multiple traditions. His main research zeros in on classical Chinese thought; his dissertation, Boundless Ways: Navigating Norms in the Zhuangzi, examines that text's pragmatic and pluralistic critique of value.
Ticket includes one drink ticket and other refreshments and will support kibbitznest programs, dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to face to think, to teach, to learn, to talk, to listen, to read, to argue, to discuss, to inquire, to look at, and to be human.
kibbitznest is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization and wifi-free zone dedicated to the preservation of quality face-to-face human communication.
Sponsor: The Jené Group at Morgan Stanley, William B. Jené, CIMA®, Senior Investment Management Consultant, Senior Vice President Financial Advisor, 2135 City Gate Lane, Naperville, IL 60563, 630-799- 9856 | Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC
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