
a 501(c)(3) organization

Kibbitznest is a 501(c)3 organization. Kibbitznest, Inc is dedicated to the preservation of quality human interaction. Our ultimate objective is to promote a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to-face to experience being human by teaching, by learning, by listening, by reading, by arguing, by discussing, and by inquiring. We encourage a balance between face to face and electronic communication.

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Kibbitznest Discussion Series: Adam Rose on "A Rich Man Who Dies Rich Dies in Disgrace": Andrew Carnegie & The Gospel of Wealth

Kibbitznest Discussion Series Presents: Adam Rose on "A Rich Man Who Dies Rich Dies in Disgrace": Andrew Carnegie & The Gospel of Wealth

Adam Rose completed graduate work with the Committee on General Studies in the Humanities and the Committee on Human Development at the University of Chicago. His interest focuses on exploring ways in which the production and reception of texts of all types affect human life and people's views of themselves as well as the world they live in.

$10 paid pre-registration or $12 at the doorincludes drink ticket and other refreshments and will support kibbitznest programs, dedicated to promoting a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to face to think, to teach, to learn, to talk, to listen, to read, to argue, to discuss, to inquire, to look at, and to be human.

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