
a 501(c)(3) organization

Kibbitznest is a 501(c)3 organization. Kibbitznest, Inc is dedicated to the preservation of quality human interaction. Our ultimate objective is to promote a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to-face to experience being human by teaching, by learning, by listening, by reading, by arguing, by discussing, and by inquiring. We encourage a balance between face to face and electronic communication.

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Tenx9Chicago Storytelling

Tenx9 is a monthly community storytelling night where nine people have up to ten minutes each to tell a real story from their lives. This is not a creative fiction seminar. It is an opportunity for people to engage each other’s lives through personal tales of life experiences.

This month's tellers are:
Ryan Croft
Sydney Davis Jr Jr
Cameron Dupre
Justin Flowers
Don Hall
Val Jencks
Lisa Pearson
Terri Silverstone
Billy Sullivan

To learn more go to: