Kibbitznest is a 501(c)3 organization. Kibbitznest, Inc is dedicated to the preservation of quality human interaction. Our ultimate objective is to promote a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to-face to experience being human by teaching, by learning, by listening, by reading, by arguing, by discussing, and by inquiring. We encourage a balance between face to face and electronic communication.
Grandma’s House is a poetry show and open mic tucked in a corner of Kibbitznest Books, Brews & Blarney. Hosted by Chicago poet and self-proclaimed Grandma, Caroline M. Watson, Grandma's House is Chicago's coziest poetry show. Come on out to perform some of your work or to watch our featured poet. It’s just like being in your Grandma’s living room, only with less mothballs and more earth-shattering poetry.
Over the past decade, ADRIENNE NADEAU has facilitated workshops and performed poetry at theaters, schools, prisons, summer camps, coffee shops, bookstores, and bars. ADRIENNE has toured internationally, gracing stages in Toronto, Sydney, Melbourne, and Paris … Although she can usually be found cursing at the snow, playing cribbage, and writing in Chicago dive bars.
She has represented her city at the National Poetry Slam (Mental Graffiti 2011, Lethal Poetry 2013), Southern Fried (Lethal Poetry 2012), and slayed slams in her own right. Currently, her work can be found in The Legendary, Button Poetry and in her chapbook “Haters on the Train Won’t Stop Me from Wearing Mini Dresses & Listening to Trap Music.”