The Qur’an as Literature
with Adam Rose
Kibbitznest Liberal Arts Discussions are a collaboration with
The University of Chicago Graham School
to host presentations and discussions of original research.
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Traditionally considered the revealed word of God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, the Qur’an is the third great scripture of the Abrahamic tradition and the foundation of all forms of Islam. In this presentation we will explore the Qur’an from a secular, literary, non-sectarian perspective in an effort to gain an initial understanding of the book and its relationship to the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, its views on matters such as prophecy and history, the nature of the divine and the human, Judgment Day and the afterlife, the ideal society, the proper relationship between Muslims and non-Muslims, jihad (“holy war” or “exertion”), and more.
ADAM ROSE completed graduate work with the Committee on General Studies in the Humanities and the Committee on Human Development at the University of Chicago. His interest focuses on exploring ways in which the production and reception of texts of all types affect human life and people's views of themselves as well as the world they live in.
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