Bits on Bitz is back with your favorite Chicago performers at your favorite Chicago bar and bookstore!
August's theme will be "The Death of Summer" - come check out live comedy brought to you by the second most nostalgic time of the year.
Performing in this edition of Bits on Bitz will be: Lilliana Winkworth, Virginia Muller, Laurel Zoff Pelton, Lindsay Lucido, Trumane Alston, Julia Weiss, Debra Duncan, Rebeccah Singer, Rachel Relman, George David Elrod, Robel Arega, Rachel Copel, Madeline Claire Horwath, and MORE!
Tickets are a $5 suggested donation and ALL PROCEEDS go directly back to your performers of the evening.
Hosted and Produced by Shelby Jo Plummer
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Earlier Event: August 8
Kibbitznest Book Club with Sara Schroeder
Later Event: August 26
rules. a book release & reading by jonathan m. stewart