
a 501(c)(3) organization

Kibbitznest is a 501(c)3 organization. Kibbitznest, Inc is dedicated to the preservation of quality human interaction. Our ultimate objective is to promote a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to-face to experience being human by teaching, by learning, by listening, by reading, by arguing, by discussing, and by inquiring. We encourage a balance between face to face and electronic communication.

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"The Swing of Things" by Linda Keir BOOK LAUNCH PARTY

  • Kibbitznest 2212 North Clybourn Avenue Chicago, IL, 60614 United States (map)

The Swing of Things

by Linda Keir

Grab a cocktail and join Linda Hull & Keir Graff in a lively conversation about their new novel, THE SWING OF THINGS.

(Keys for the fishbowl entirely optional)

Book signing to follow an NC17-rated raffle.

Adults only, please!

Books will be provided for sale by The Book Table.

"Excellent domestic drama, with elements of psychological suspense that evoke GONE GIRL." --Booklist starred review

"The sex scenes are tightly written and yummy good." --Colorado Book Review