
a 501(c)(3) organization

Kibbitznest is a 501(c)3 organization. Kibbitznest, Inc is dedicated to the preservation of quality human interaction. Our ultimate objective is to promote a better understanding of the world and its people by coming together face-to-face to experience being human by teaching, by learning, by listening, by reading, by arguing, by discussing, and by inquiring. We encourage a balance between face to face and electronic communication.

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Songs That Changed My Life

  • Kibbitznest Books, Brews & Blarney 2212 N Clybourn Ave Chicago, IL 60622 (map)
Songs that Changed my life Flyer small.jpg

"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent" - Victor Hugo

This night is an exploration of the transformative power of music. How powerful and emotional it can be, and how a song can make you feel a very certain way or evoke a very specific memory.

One song can change the way you think, interpret, and live and we will see just how certain songs have affected our perfomers.

About: Artists share a piece they have created based on a song that has had a deep and significant impact on their life. There will be poets, musicians, comedians, artists, essayists (and more..)

Speakers and Performers:
Joshua Philips
Cynthia Bi
Jonathan Euseppi
Hope Rehak
Chrissi Rose
Caroline Lucius
and with special guest, music therapist Katie Bender.

Hosted and Curated by Mick Cohen-Carroll

$5 Suggested Donation

Earlier Event: January 10
Joke Nest Comedy Open Mic Night
Later Event: January 17
Bits on Bitz Variety Comedy Showcase